Simple home remedies for gastroenteritis

Simple home remedies for gastroenteritis

influenza is one of the types of infection that affects children and adults as well, but it is less common in adults, accompanied by the emergence of symptoms and warning signs of infection, most notably severe abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, and high body temperature that may sometimes reach fever, fortunately there are many medicines Which can eliminate bacteria or viruses that cause gastroenteritis, but some people prefer treating gastroenteritis with herbs.

Adam's pharmacy has all the medicines for treating gastroenteritis you can order now.

Causes of gastroenteritis

There are many causes that lead to gastroenteritis, including the following:

  • Eating immature fruits or fermented foods.
  • Change in weather and temperatures as in spring and autumn.
  • Decreased secretions of the liver and pancreas.
  • Organic substances such as arsenic and mercury
  • have certain germs such as typhoid, barefoot, and Escherichia coli.
  • It can be a secondary symptom of disease in another organ, such as the heart, lungs and liver, as a result of an infectious disease or an infectious focus in the intestine.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis


symptoms of gastroenteritis are:

  • Theis diarrhoea.
  • high temperature.
  • Dizziness and vomiting, sores on the tongue, thirst and loss of appetite.
  • Stools are liquid and numerous and contain amounts of mucus and some undigested foods.
  • Proctitis may be associated with tenesmus and the secretion of pus and mucus.
  • May lead to anemia and wasting.

Complications of Gastroenteritis

If the symptoms of gastroenteritis are severe or if radiation enteritis becomes chronic, the patient is at increased risk of dehydration.

One of the most important complications of gastroenteritis in children and infants is their particular exposure to dehydration, and this is a serious health event.


Seek medical attention immediately if signs of dehydration appear due to fluid loss through sweat, vomiting and diarrhea.

Symptoms of dehydration are:

  • Excessive thirst.
  • Weakness, fatigue and lethargy.
  • lack of urination
  • Urine is dark in color and smells strong.
  • Dizziness, especially when standing up.


Treating gastroenteritis with herbs 

In addition to medicines, the following herbs can help treat gastroenteritis:

  • Ginger tea: Ginger is one of the main herbs used in alternative medicine to treat digestive diseases, due to its ability to relieve stomach pain and reduce cramps, nutrition experts recommend adding lemon to ginger To enhance the health benefits that the body gets, lemon contains a high percentage of vitamin C.
  • Peppermint tea: Peppermint is characterized by its ability to calm stomach pain in addition to its therapeutic ability, as it contains antioxidants that help fight infections.
  • Herbal tea: Nutrition experts advise to include any type of herbal tea in the daily diet for patients with the digestive system, because it is free of caffeine, which helps to replace lost fluids in the body without diuresis and maintain body hydration.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon contains a high percentage of antioxidants such as eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, linalool and camphor, which are substances that have an effective effect in improving the symptoms of gastroenteritis and treating gastroenteritis. The therapeutic benefits of cinnamon can be obtained by adding a teaspoon to food or drinking cinnamon tea. .
  • Turmeric: Eating turmeric daily in the recommended quantities can contribute to the treatment of gastroenteritis, as it contains curcumin that relieves digestive symptoms, which has shown its ability to improve acute stomach pain and eliminate nausea.

Tips for dealing with gastroenteritis

In this disease, the intestines need rest, so the diet for gastroenteritis should be followed: the stomach

  • should receive digested food with a minimum of light starchy porridge.
  • Do not give him whole milk.
  • When the intestines begin to recover, grilled white chicken meat or grilled fish and boiled eggs can be added.
  • Avoid all vegetables, coarse grains, and fruits except for citrus fruits and pickles.
  • Avoid soups, meats, coffee, bread, fatty foods, desserts, cakes, sauces, and shellfish.

Foods to eat when suffering from gastroenteritis:

  • Kiwi.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Soft boiled eggs.
  • Roast beef.
  • Meat broth with dried albumen.
  • Condensed porridge with croutons.
  • Grape juice.
  • Orange juice.
  • Apple juice.
  • Blueberry toast.
  • Raspberry jam.

 How can I prevent gastroenteritis?

Follow personal hygiene and safe food guidelines to reduce the chances of complications from gastroenteritis:.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Always wash your hands after using the bathroom.
  • Wash your hands before and after preparing food or drinks.
  • Wash your hands before every meal.
  • Stay away from polluted water.
  • Always carry wet wipes, ideally containing alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid drinking from open wells or other water sources without boiling the water first.
  • Use clean utensils.
  • Keep foods separate, such as: keep raw poultry away from vegetables.
  • Wash kitchen surfaces often while preparing food.
  • Thoroughly cook foods to the correct temperature, especially meats.
  • Use a food thermometer.
  • Store food in the refrigerator and set the refrigerator to (4°C) or lower.
  • Set the freezer to 0°C or less.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date on fresh foods.
  • Be careful with medications such as NSAIDs, aspirin and oral steroids.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Talk to your doctor if you have a health condition that increases your risk of gastroenteritis.


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